Friday 15 August 2014

Fried Rice

What can you do with leftover white rice? Keep them in the fridge and use them to make a simple lunch, on the following day. Fried rice is best done with cold rice. You can use all sorts of ingredients to make it a complete meal. I usually have sausage, carrots, eggs, corn, peas or french beans. Basically, whatever vegetables that you can rummage in the fridge or pantry, use them! ;)

Fried rice with sausage,carrots, eggs and french beans

Fried rice with eggs

5 cups of leftover rice (kept in the fridge)
2 cloves of minced garlic (optional)
1 carrot (cubed)
1 cup french beans (cubed)
1 cup sausage (cubed)
3 eggs (beaten and add a dash of salt+pepper)
2 tbsp oil

  1. Heat up oil in a pan. 
  2. Fry minced garlic till fragrant. 
  3. Fry sausage till browned. Push aside. (Add a little more oil for frying eggs, if needed)
  4. Add beaten eggs and as they start to cook, 'scramble' the eggs.
  5. Add in carrots, french beans and any other vegetables that you fancy.
  6. Fry for about 3 mins. Use medium to low heat while frying.
  7. Add in cold rice and mix around quickly. Try to 'un-clump' your rice. 
  8. Fry for another 5-8 mins. You can add 2-3 tbsp of soya sauce if you prefer a saltier outcome.
  9. Turn off heat and stir fried rice till mixed well. 
  10. Serve warm.

Note: I use ekologisk vegetables and sausage as this dish is cooked mainly for my kids. 

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